
I wanted a total transformation of my thoughts and actions, not just my body

In our special edition of the Summer 2018 Fatloss Magazine, we put out a call for women to share their fitness journeys with us. Whether they are starting out, have a dream to change their lifestyles or are already busy inspiring other with their stories.

The March winner of a Biogen hamper worth R3,000 is Marinda Labuschagne @my_life_battle_biography

What was your defining moment to start your transformation journey?

I had this new year’s resolution where I told myself that 2018 will be my year. For as long as I can recall I had this dream of changing my life, feeling comfortable in my own body and becoming my own person. I wanted a life where I could walk from one room to the next without feeling completely out of breath! There were multiple reasons that led to my decision to change. I basically wanted a total transformation of my thoughts and actions.

What are your goals, the big and smaller ones?

A big goal of mine is to be fit and in shape. When you are overweight normal things most people don’t think about can become problematic like for instance getting in and out of a car without struggling or wondering whether a chair would hold your weight.

All the small goals and there are so many of them, will add up to something so big it will blow my mind!

What would you like to achieve?

To reach my ultimate goal will be the biggest achievement.

Apart from that, I would also like to inspire other people while they are on their respective journeys so they too can reach their goals. People don’t realise how difficult it is to change a life you have been living for as long as you can remember. After being overweight and being afraid of joining a gym out of fear of how people would react, I completely understand every emotion and the constant battle of living in fear.

What does your nutrition look like?

I follow a zero sugar, low carbohydrate eating plan. I stick to small portions and drink plenty of water. When I cannot follow my diet for whatever reason, I always take the healthier option of what is available at the time.

What training do you follow?

I do weight training I combine with a few HIIT drills. My body is still adjusting but I will pick up the pace when I am more mobile to do so.

What advice do you have for other women in a similar situation?

To start and not to overthink everything! Sticking to a particular diet and a training routine is the most difficult aspect but doesn’t allow all your excuses to prevent you from reaching for your dreams!

People at the gym won’t judge you but will appreciate all your efforts and the hard work you put in. It feels incredible to slowly but surely do things you were not able to do for such a long time! Always believe in yourself and in what you can achieve with the right mindset!


Author: Tanja Schmitz

Founder and Editor of Fitness Magazine. You’ll find her behind her computer or on her bike, dreaming up new ways to improve or create content for you.

Founder and Editor of Fitness Magazine. You'll find her behind her computer or on her bike, dreaming up new ways to improve or create content for you.

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