


Support Liver Function and Natural Detoxification with Milk Thistle

The liver is a critical organ for athletes as it does more than just support detoxification –…


Rooibos shown to improve key heart health markers in groundbreaking study

A new study conducted by the Applied Microbial and Health Biotechnology Institute at the Cape Peninsula University of…


Unpacking the bidirectional relationship between sleep and stress

Sleeping 7-9 hours a night each night is one of the most important ways you can build greater…


Probiotics Hold The Key to Potential Health Benefits

People looking to improve their gut health, digestive function and overall well-being are increasingly incorporating probiotics into…


Get your mental performance roaring with a lion’s mane nootropic supplement

If you’re looking to get your mental performance roaring, consider adding a nootropic supplement called lion’s mane…


New study first to investigate real-world effects of Rooibos in humans, specifically women

Already lauded for its many health benefits, Rooibos is gaining increasing attention in the fight against obesity and…


Why beating insomnia for better sleep could unlock holistic health

When it comes to maintaining holistic health, we tend to emphasise aspects such as diet, exercise and…


Exercise for your mental health. It’s the easy route to lessen stress

With July recognised as Mental Health Awareness Month, highly stressed South Africans highly should take the opportunity to…


Choose probiotic strains that support your immune system this winter

In addition to their role in supporting healthy digestion and nutrient absorption, probiotics also play important roles…


5 ways Rooibos can improve your gut health and immunity this winter

When looking for ways to boost immunity this winter flu season, the correct diet to support gut health…