Have you ever sat online looking for an exercise regimen, only to feel completely overwhelmed at the number of options?
It’s tough getting started on a new fitness journey, so the last thing you want is to be put off simply because you can’t find an activity that suits you.
Starting off simple is key for newbies looking to change their lifestyle, or for those who have perhaps fallen out of good exercise habits.
Finding a routine that gets you excited and inspires you to work out more often is just as important as deciding to move more.
This 5-day challenge is just the thing to get you started! Are you ready?
Day 1: Get moving
Too often, we get stuck sitting at our desks for prolonged periods. Your focus for day one is to simply move every 30 minutes or so. This could mean stepping away from your laptop to walk around your garden or complex, walking up and down the stairs a few times, or running on the spot for 30 seconds. Make sure that whatever you choose works for you.
Day 2: Jump online
Spending more time at home than ever before presents the perfect opportunity to exercise at home. So, why not join a virtual exercise class? Again, we’re spoilt (or cursed) for choice. To narrow your search, we suggest the Nike Training Club app. Their flexible training plans cater to all fitness levels, which means you can move up as you get stronger. The best part? It’s free!
Day 3: Eat right
Don’t underestimate the impact healthy eating has on our physical performance. Day three is, therefore, about what we put into our bodies. A fail-safe combination is a mix of lean protein for muscle repair, wholegrain carbohydrates for sustained energy, and plenty of fruit and vegetables for that all-important dose of vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
Day 4: Step it up
As you near the end of your challenge, you’ll want to give it your all. That means exercising for at least 30 minutes today to get that heart pumping. Start with more manageable activities like crunches, 15-second planks, and skipping. Once you’ve warmed up, move onto more challenging exercises like squats, forward lunges, and ab twists.
Don’t feel disheartened if you get tired quickly, rather focus on doing each activity properly and you’ll get better in no time.
Day 5: Challenge yourself
The last day of the challenge is about testing your abilities and proving to yourself that you’re stronger than you think. Choose an exercise you’re comfortable with but that still requires effort and do it for as long as you can every hour. A few good options to consider include planks, push-ups, sit-ups, and running on the spot. Again, be patient – you’ll get stronger!
Another perk of this 5-day challenge? Your weekends are yours to sit back and relax. However, whatever weekday you start is up to you, just make sure you tackle the challenge at once without skipping days in between. Doing so will help you commit to a routine. Good luck!
Author: Tanja Schmitz
Founder and Editor of Fitness Magazine. You’ll find her behind her computer or on her bike, dreaming up new ways to improve or create content for you.
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