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5 Gadgets that will help you achieve your fitness goals this year

By Brendon Peterson, Tech Editor at PriceCheck  It’s a new year, which means that you…

Back To Basics For Better Health

Modern lifestyles are a curious, and unhealthy, mixture of “stop” and “go” – most of us spend the…

How can I Manage ADHD with Exercise if I’m not Naturally Active?

Exercise does not mean hitting the treadmill or forcing yourself to jog around the track. It can be…

5 Reasons you Need to Give your Brain a Break

Another year has come and gone in what seems like the blink of an eye. Even though…

Sculpt your Mid-Section with our Core Workout [VIDEO]

The core and abs are words that are used interchangeably. These are slightly different though as the core…

Fit Pregnancy Recipe Guide [Free Download]

There’s no time in a woman’s life when it is more important to take your nutrition seriously than…