Often in the health and fitness industry we’re bombarded with pervasive yet misguided health trends that ultimately end up doing more harm than good.
Here’s a list of health trends we recommend you skip..
Stop trying to out-exercise a bad diet
It’s a common belief that working out is the key to success when it comes to weight-loss. Well, that’s not entirely sure. In reality, eating correctly accounts for the bulk of your weight-loss success.
Exercise is an adjunct to a healthy diet and it’ll benefit you more to exercise for the health benefits, the endorphin rush, and to sculpt your body, rather than relying on it purely for weight-loss.
Natural, organic, and gluten-free labels
These labels are only valuable if you have a gluten allergy or intolerance, or you focus purely on food quality, which is obviously important when buying fresh produce and the highest quality animal proteins.
Anything else that is pre-packed with these labels is often loaded with sugar (organic or not), or may contain highly processed ingredients and/or additives.
Defining your health in moral terms
It’s important to realise that there is no good or bad way of living a healthy life.
Basing your self-worth on how much you exercised or how healthy you ate will not make you happier, nor will it make you feel like you’re more in control. In fact, these are all signs that you’re giving these parts of your life too much power.
It’s very important to invest in yourself and your health at all levels and focus on leading a healthy, wholesome lifestyle. When it becomes an obsession that gives you feelings of guilt and resentment that may lead to binging, you need to seriously reevaluate your true intentions.
Believing slim=healthy
These days, society pushes the notion that if we look good, we’re automatically healthy, which is obviously not true.
It’s possible to be slim and still have various of health issues such as diabetes, hormonal issues, gut issues, or mental illnesses. It’s important for us to start divert our focus away from aesthetics and more towards true health, from the inside, out.
Using supplements to make up for bad eating habits
It’s a common misbelief that if you just pop pills or powders we can make up for bad eating habits.
Unfortunately, swallowing a tablet a day won’t provide all the nutrition we need, nor can these products correct the implications of a bad diet.
Remember that supplements can assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle, but they cannot act as a substitute.
Detox diets and radical cleanses
Many of us embark on 5-day radical detoxification programmes thinking it’ll help us lose weight. The truth is they often just results in headaches, nausea, and mood swings.
They’re essentially pointless if after the ‘cleanse’ we go straight back to our unhealthy habits. At the end of the day, it’s better to rather detox daily by supporting your body’s own detoxification organs with regular exercise and following a healthy, nutrient-dense diet.
Being obsessed with your genes
It’s important to realise that your genes are not your destiny, they’re only possibilities of what may be expressed.
We have ultimate control over our outomces by controlling what we eat, the environment in which we live, and the activities we choose to do. Remember that a gene will not express itself unless the internal environment is conducive to it’s expression.
Author: Logan Leigh Rix
Logan blends her passion and profession by working as a digital and social media marketer and content creator in the fitness, health and wellness industry. She’s also a personal trainer, former Face of Fitness finalist and Fitness Magazine featured athlete.
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