Busi Mmotla

2019 Face of Fitness and now top 15 Miss SA, Busi Mmotla shares her journey

Not only has Busi Mmotla made a name for herself in the fitness industry after winning the 2019 Face Of Fitness, she’s now pursuing the prestigious title of Miss South Africa.

The 27 year old teacher from Soweto hasn’t let the the challenges she faced through her disadvantaged upbringing stop her from pursing her dreams. She’s created numerous opportunities to build her profile and advance her career, not only as a fitness model but now as a brand ambassador for our country.

What have you been up to since the competition?

My life has changed a lot since winning the competition. For instance, I have started my studies with Trifocus Fitness Academy and I’m now part of Rise who are helping me understand nutrition and taking care of my body and mental health. The win allowed me to work with USN and learn a lot about health and fitness and how to use supplements as part of your lifestyle. I am now working toward having a strong profile as a fitness model.   

What initially drove you to enter into the Face Of Fitness competition?

Curiosity made me enter the competition. I wanted to challenge myself, I saw this competition as an opportunity to grow myself and my knowledge on fitness. At that time the competition was announced I had gone through a bad experience and I was new to fitness. 


What is your favourite memory from the competition?

Definitely the Top 3 photoshoot. I remember I was stressing a lot about the shoot as it was my first time doing a fitness shoot. I was worried that the photos would not come out as perfect but on the day of the cover shoot I was confident and believed that my passion for fitness would show and everything would be ok. 

What was your biggest takeaway from winning the title Face Of Fitness 2019?

You are everything you believe you are, never doubt yourself or your capabilities. I entered the competition believing that I was different and that made me standout and during the selection process I doubted myself because I believed that I did not have the body and forgot that the reason I entered was to change the narrative that fitness is more than the body but it is about discipline and a good mental state. Throughout my journey as the winner I have been applying that, the journey has made me believe in myself a lot more.

What piece of advice would you give any lady wanting to enter into the 2020 Face of Fitness competition?

Believe in yourself. Every year the competition differs, they are looking for someone different and they might be looking for your kind of difference. It is important to be yourself and understand why you are entering and how you are going to use the platform to better yourself and inspire others.  Also, you need to be able to use your experiences to channel your passion. 

You’ve entered into Miss SA, and it’s just been announced that you’ve made the Top 15. Why did you decide to enter Miss SA?

I entered Miss SA 2020 so I can be a positive representation for my community. I have always wanted to show people that we can be part of something big no matter our background. 


Can you talk us through how the Miss SA competition works?

Well, Miss SA is an ongoing process. You submit the entrance video introducing yourself and your passions. Then the rest will follow but the actual work is in learning and listening to what is being taught and said by the mentors. The organisation is very transparent with their intentions and that is to find a lady who will be able to represent SA lifestyle and beauty on different levels without making them feel insecure and or a different person all together. 

  What does it mean to make Top 15? Where do you go from here?

It takes a lot of courage!. The goal for you entering Miss SA will be what gets you to top 15. For instance my goal was to be a positive representation and it was so easy to convince the judges of that because it was a genuine intention. So the courage to really speak about issues you care about and what you want will be your main driver. Hopefully from here I go to the top 10. Miss SA has always been a dream for me so hopefully I get the opportunity to really take my issues to the next platform.  

What do you hope to achieve in the competition?

I hope to be a good representation to the young ladies of Soweto. Many ladies who are from Soweto do not think they can make it big because of their backgrounds. The reality is representation is so important and for them seeing a girl like me go further in the competition will be a true certification and realisation that it is not about your background but rather your dreams. 

Lockdown has made keeping fit and staying healthy more challenging. How have you been staying fit and healthy during lockdown?

Lockdown has taught me the importance of nutrition; fitness is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. That is the math I have been using, I prepare meals that boost my immune system as it is important to have a strong immune system and use my USN supplements to assist with protein intake and boost the immune system. As challenging as it is to move around I challenged myself to hit 10000 steps goal daily and exercise at least once or twice a day with one session being cardio.   


Can you give us a breakdown of your favourite lockdown workout.

I am a big fan of full body workouts and HIITs. My sessions are between 30-45 minutes and I make them challenging with 4-5 sessions a week or 6 sessions on a good week. 

An example of my workout would be:

Warm up 

  • Jog on the spot 30sec
  • Squat jumps 20sec
  • Alternating lunges 20sec

HIIT Workout 

40 seconds jump squats
30 seconds plank
*Repeat twice with 20 seconds rest in between sets

30 seconds Alternating back lunges/ split lunge jumps
40 seconds Sit-ups
10 push-ups
*Repeat twice 40 seconds rest between sets

40 seconds Squat hold/ wall sit
12 squats
30 seconds mountain climbers
*Repeat set twice with 40 seconds rest between sets

40 seconds burpees
30 seconds plank with shoulder tap
*Repeat set twice with 40 seconds rest

1-minute finisher

  • 5 Burpees
  • 5 push-ups
  • 5 squats

*Repeat for 1 minute

Yay or Nay- What does Busi say?

Burpees? Nay

Cheat Meals? Yay

Fat burners? Nay

Running? Yay

Author: Logan Leigh Rix

Logan blends her passion and profession by working as a digital and social media marketer and content creator in the fitness, health and wellness industry. She’s also a personal trainer, former Face of Fitness finalist and Fitness Magazine featured athlete.

Logan blends her passion and profession by working as a digital and social media marketer and content creator in the fitness, health and wellness industry. She's also a personal trainer, former Face of Fitness finalist and Fitness Magazine featured athlete.

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