
7 tips to hack your hunger

Weight loss never comes as fast as people would like. While we all have good intentions, the commitment seldom lasts, especially when ravenous hunger strikes during diets.

Hunger is such a mental game but there are ways you can get through to the next meal on your eating plan if you implement these hunger hacks.

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1. Don’t skip breakfast

Starting your day with breakfast is extremely important as it jumpstarts your metabolism and keeps hunger at bay so you don’t snack through the morning!

2. Sip on something

Between meals when you start feeling hungry, drink more water! Filling up on liquid helps suppress hunger. Ideal options include water, coffee, sparkling waters or unsweetened teas.

If you want something sweet, mix BCAAs into your water – they will also help with muscle recovery and energy! I love making a BCAA slushy when I’m feeling hungry! Just crush some ice in a blender or food processor, add a scoop of BCAAs and a concentrated amount of water to make it sweeter!

Eat your slushy with a spoon to suppress your hunger. It keeps your mouth busy and makes you forget about the feelings of hunger. Eating plain crushed ice can also do the trick!

3. Tend to your teeth

Flossing and brushing your teeth are effective hacks to stave off hunger and avoid snacking between meals. I always keep floss and mini toothbrushes in my car.

This works well when you’re on the road, as we often want to snack while driving in the car. However, giving your mouth a refresh helps to prevent those unnecessary snack attacks, which will likely lead to regret later.

4. Chew some gum

Chewing gum is an extremely helpful hunger hack. Talk about keeping your mouth busy! Just choose sugar-free options. I always have a pack in my car, in my purse, in my gym bag and my lunch box.

5. Move your body

Another amazing hunger hack is to get up and move your body! Go for a walk, do some jumping jacks or squats, or jog in place. You’ll be amazed how it takes your mind off the desire to eat, and a little extra movement never hurts!

6. Slow down your eating

When you eat, it is important to eat slowly and mindfully. Slowing down will help you feel satiated, as does drinking water in between bites.

Setting down your utensils between bites and using a smaller spoon and taking smaller bites also helps your food last longer.

Hoovering down your food will simply fuel your hunger, so rather slow down and enjoy every bite!

7. Keep your mind busy

Keeping busy is helpful, too, as it distracts you from those hunger pangs. Doing chores, shopping, working, or even talking to a friend or family member works wonders. Engaging in any activity will distract your mind and helps train your brain to ignore the hunger queues.

When these hacks don’t work and you need to eat something more, snacking on celery, cucumbers, or pickles offer guilt-free options to tackle those hunger pangs.

In an era of food abundance, hunger is ultimately a choice and a mental game! If you want to make lasting changes to your body, you have to master your mind, and having hunger hacks in your back pocket will make it easier to achieve.

By Kristen Haro, NPC Wellness Competitor

About the author

Kristen Haro is a 44-year-old proud, single mom of two with a career in home building and a side gig as a part-time certified personal trainer. While working out has aways been a part of her life, in my forties she became a bodybuilder and National Physique Committee (NPC) Wellness competitor. She is passionate about health and fitness and completed her own transformation challenge in 2016, which sparked her interest in the industry. She subsequently became a certified personal training and a boot camp coach. Transforming her body left her with a desire to compete and she is in the best shape of her life and is passionate about the sport and healthy living. Kristen has a strong desire to motivate and inspire others to help them believe that they are worthy no matter their age and can achieve any goal they set for themselves. Connect with Kristen on IG @kdmccann2.

Author: Pedro van Gaalen

When he’s not writing about sport or health and fitness, Pedro is probably out training for his next marathon or ultra-marathon. He’s worked as a fitness professional and as a marketing and comms expert. He now combines his passions in his role as managing editor at Fitness magazine.

When he's not writing about sport or health and fitness, Pedro is probably out training for his next marathon or ultra-marathon. He's worked as a fitness professional and as a marketing and comms expert. He now combines his passions in his role as managing editor at Fitness magazine.

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