

Stand and deliver: Every serious ab workout needs this exercise

We spend most of our ab and core sessions on the floor doing planks, crunches and their…

Cardio, weights, or both?

Among women especially, there is a commonly held belief that to improve your health and fitness and lose…

10 squats you should be doing

You’ll find squats in every effective workout programme. Many regard it as the ultimate exercise because they…


Virgin Active reveals return-to-gym guidelines

Virgin Active has provided members with a look at what gym will be like when facilities eventually reopen…

muscle memory

The magic of muscle memory

This physiological phenomenon will help you quickly regain your physique when gyms reopen We’re all concerned about…

What will gym look like after lockdown?

While there is no confirmed date yet when gyms will reopen, once they do the workout experience…

Gymlife in the time of coronavirus

#Gymlife in the time of coronavirus

For most of us, the gym is our sanctuary; our happy place. Our daily training session is sacrosanct…

Fitness Power Lifting FI

Local weightlifting gets boost with new competition, live coverage online

Don’t miss the next event in “The Weightlifting Trilogy” (TWT), a weightlifting competition started by renowned local…

Kelly feature imageV2

Kelly Robbertze’s unorthodox training approach delivers knock-out results

Kelly Christine Robbertze is anything but ordinary. She prides herself on pushing her limits, trying new training…

Transformation tips

A transformation coach and personal trainer shares 5 proven tips that work!

Online coach, personal trainer and professional bodybuilder Andrew Hudson is a well-established and respected transformation expert.