
Your Fitness

3 strength training myths that must fall

As a strength coach, I’m confronted on a daily basis by the various insecurities that pervade society….

Biogen Face Of Fitness 2020 Katy Allderman’s tips for a fit pregnancy

It’s been almost a year since Katy Allderman took the title of Biogen Face Of Fitness 2020. The past…

Body beat: How music can benefit your workouts

An article published on the Scientific American website states: “Many people depend on bumpin’ beats and stirring…

How to deal with common weight training injuries

Weight training injuries are a fairly common occurrence for those who spend up to six days a…

Reaching your goal: Easy to conceive, hard to achieve

You’ve set your SMART goal, you’ve written it down and stuck it on your fridge to see it…

Tips to help women take back their space and run safe

Women the world over battle with constant harassment and the threat of attacks while trying to run or…

Fitness fuels onco mom Mandi’s fire

Learning that your child has cancer is a mother’s worst nightmare realised. It turns your life upside…

All about implants: The ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of breast augmentation

While breast augmentation has become commonplace in modern society, the decision to surgically alter your body is…


How strength training can contribute to holistic wellbeing and overall health. Article by Lil Bianchi Kimble, head coach…

Ditch the excuses and become a better version of yourself

Fitness icon Mapule shares 5 tips to get back on track and achieve your goals in the new…