Throwing it back to the USN Face Of Fitness 2019 competition

Get to know more about the ladies who made the Top 12

With the winner of the USN Face Of Fitness 2019 crowned, we thought it would be a great time to showcase all the spectacular women who made it to the Top 12.

In this feature; read up on three inspirational ladies – Paige Pestana, Isjeanne du Toit, and Fulufelo Siphuma.

Paige Pestana

Age: 24
Occupation: Stage bikini designer

Sponsor: K.leecreations
City: Johannesburg

Facebook: Paige Pestana

Instagram: @paigepestana and @k.leecreations

Paige is a competitive bikini athlete, as well as a stage bikini designer. She loves her job as it means that she is constantly surrounded by like-minded individuals within the fitness industry. Paige says that she has one of the most rewarding jobs as she gets to help her clients feel beautiful and showcase their hard-earned bodies.

“To me, a fitness lifestyle is a way of being a better version of myself not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I want to inspire others by the way I train and the lifestyle I lead”, says Paige.

Q: How do you market yourself on social media?

You can’t go wrong with Instagram. It’s one of the most popular social media sites and a brilliant way of connecting with people all over the world. When it comes to the content that I post, I like people to see the real me – the fun, the serious, the dedicated person that I am. It’s important to show the good, the bad and everything in between. I mean, we are all human after all. The majority of my inspiration comes from accounts that I’ve personally been inspired by. I therefore strive to create content that inspires others to be better, stay motivated and to dream big.

Q: What makes a good role model in the fitness industry?

Someone who goes out of their way to motivate and educate others. Someone who is deeply passionate about what they do, inspiring others without even realising it. It’s not necessarily about having the biggest name in the fitness industry, but more so someone who is genuine, positive and inspires their followers to be their very best.

Q: What are your essentials in terms of supplements and why are these products?

My number one go-to is L-glutamine. It boosts my recovery, allowing me to get back into the gym and training a lot sooner. I love it!
I also can’t go without my amino acids, sipping on these during my workouts. Firstly, they taste great but they also provide fuel for growth and prevent muscle breakdown.

Q: 3 characteristics that best describe you?

  • Enthusiastic
  • Go-getter
  • Down to earth

Yay or Nay?

Squats? Nay. Squats are great but I’m more of a lunge kind of girl.

Training in matching outfits? Oh yes! Look good, feel good – that’s what I live by.

Pre-workout supplementation? Nay, I have enough energy to naturally bounce off the walls.

Q: What’s your next goal?

My current goals are to continue to work on building my ideal physique; with the hopes of competing internationally in the near future.
Competing is not my only goal, though. I am also extremely passionate about my career and plan to take it to the next level in 2020. Watch this space!

Isjeanne du Toit

Occupation: Freelance model / aupair / bodybuilder

Age: 23

City: Pretoria

Instagram: @Isjeanne_fit133

Isjeanne is no stranger to the spotlight, having won the 2018 Arnold Classic Africa Model Search. Stepping on stage for the very first time, only two years ago, her achievements showcase her passion for and dedication to fitness.

3 characteristics that best describe you?

  • Vibrant
  • Fearless
  • Go-getter

Yay or Nay?

Squats to build legs? Nay, it definitely is one of the best workouts for legs, but needs to be combined with deadlifts and leg presses.

Long steady-state cardio? Yay, I enjoy walking on the treadmill or stepper for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Oats in the morning? Yay! Oats is definitely my go-to breakfast! Throw in a scoop of whey for the best start to the day!

Burpees? Yay! Burpees are a full-body workout that spikes your heart rate; similar to sprinting intervals. It’s an amazing fat burning exercise.

Gym selfies? Yay! I totally love gym selfies, especially those where you can see my red, sweaty face. It’s proof that I just had an awesome workout session.

Intra-workout supplementation? Yay! It’s important to fuel your body during your workout and also to ensure optimal recovery. BCAAs during my workout is an absolute must.

Post-workout supplementation? Yay! I drink my protein shake directly after my workout. It allows my body to absorb the protein optimally.

CrossFit? Nay! Tried it before but I don’t enjoy the high intensity. I like to take my time in the gym. I do admire CrossFit athletes for their work ethic.

Sports massage? Yay! Massages are always amazing. Rubbing the few knots out is so relieving.

Cheat meals? Yay! I have a cheat meal once a week. My body responds well to a re-feed and I’m not going to complain about that. I usually avoid sugar cheats during competition season.

Training partner? Yay! Having a partner in crime, to smash those early morning sessions is always a treat. I draw motivation from training with a partner, and it also makes for good conversation between exercises.

Q: What have you gained from the Face of Fitness 2019 campaign?

I’ve had such an amazing experience, meeting so many inspirational ladies. It amazes me to see how much inspiration and motivation we can draw from one another and by learning from and empowering each other. We may be competitors on stage but we are all bound by a sisterhood.

Q: What are your 2020 goals?

I plan to improve my physique for next year’s Arnold Classic Africa in May. I will go through a longer prep, ensuring that I bring my best package to stage yet. I would like to learn Zulu as well as study a personal training course through Trifocus Fitness Academy.

Fulufhelo Siphuma

Age: 31

City: Johannesburg

Occupation: Chartered Accountant

Instagram: @Fulufhelo_s

Facebook: Fulufhelo Siphuma Fitness

Twitter: @Fulu_s

This #fitprofessional aims to share her passion for fitness and wellness as widely as possible. To this end, she has been on various radio shows and leverages as many social media platforms as she can. Winning the people’s choice for this years USN Face of Fitness by getting the most public votes, this social butterfly is definitely influential.

Q: What social media platforms do you use and what message do you wish to share?

I use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube to spread the message of fitness and wellness. These platforms allow me to reach a wider audience and target different groups. I aim to share content that educates people on various topics ranging from weight loss, nutrition, mental wellness and general well-being. I want my content to add value to the lives of my followers.

Q: What do you consider as a healthy, balanced diet?

I consider a healthy diet to consist of a good mix of carbohydrates (55-60%), proteins (25-30%) and fats (15-20%).

Q: 3 characteristics that best describe you?

  • Hard-working
  • Visionary
  • Innovator

Q: What are your future goals?

My commitment to the UN’s third SDG of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages, as well as SA’s own national development plan still continues. Fitness is about more than looking good and being healthy – it is also a channel to make an impact in the lives of others.

My goal is to grow and offer additional wellness services housed in Fulufhelo Siphuma-Fitness, such as fitness challenges, health fairs, lunches and learning sessions on fitness topics to corporates, thereby making meaningful brand partnerships and collaborations. I am looking to bring innovation to the fitness Industry and build fulfilling relationships.

Author: Gary Fairweather


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