You’re bringing the hustle every day… You work hard inside the gym, give 110% effort and tick all the boxes – but something still feels like it’s missing.
Yeah sure, we all love the endorphin rush and working up a sweat makes you happy, but there’s more to hitting the gym to get your high. Here’s some pointers to finding true balance – outside of the gym.
Here are 10 things you can start doing for yourself:
1. Accepting that you are responsible
Accept that you are responsible for your own happiness. This is the first step to achieving your goals.
2. Spend time with the right people. Your time is valuable.
Spend it with the people who love and respect you for who you are, and support your goals in life. This also builds the base of a solid support structure, which is essential if you want to achieve your goals.
3. Be honest with yourself.
Be honest about the things that require change in your life. If you remain ignorant of certain aspects in your life forever you will never make the significant changes required to achieve your goals.
4. Be Friendly.
Treat every person around you with the same respect you expect from others. You’ll be surprised how this most basic of actions can uplift someone’s spirit, making them more helpful, respectful and supportive of your needs.
5. Take accountability.
You are responsible for your actions and choices in life. You are the only person who can control the outcome of your life. Without challenges and opportunities to overcome and conquer you don’t live life, you merely exist.
6. Make your own needs a priority.
If you are not looking after your needs and making your happiness a priority, who else will (or would want to)? Once you can meet your own needs it’s much easier to effectively and happily help those around you.
7. Give your ideas and dreams a chance.
Dreams a chance Life isn’t about waiting for opportunities, it’s about creating them. The truth is, we often learn more through failure than success, so it’s better to try than never attempt anything at all.
8. Be yourself.
Trying to be someone other than yourself is not only an injustice to your needs, but also to the people around you. Embrace the individual that you are and celebrate your ideas, strengths and beauty.
9. Focus on the positives.
Accept that life will throw you a few curveballs, just change the way you approach them. Instead of seeing the negative, look for positive spinoffs or alternatives. Keep in mind that you also learn a great deal and grow stronger during challenging times.
10. Celebrate your true wealth.
Yo u don’t need to fill your life with ‘things’ to be happy. Happiness is found in the relationships you build, the moments you share and the opportunities you create. Appreciate who and what you have in your life.
The cherry on top – find value.
Find true value in everything you do. Whether its something you do for yourself or others, it has to carry important meaning for you, which ultimately contributes to your own happiness. We often act without knowing or appreciating the reason, which results in acts of kindness going unnoticed.
Author: Tanja Schmitz
Founder and Editor of Fitness Magazine. You’ll find her behind her computer or on her bike, dreaming up new ways to improve or create content for you.
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