Fat Loss

Burnt out: Why women should avoid using fat burners formulated for men

While the hardcore packaging of the thermogenic fat burners in your man’s supplement cupboard may look appealing,…

8 ways to burn 100 extra calories outside of the gym

In your quest to create a negative calorie balance to lose weight, every extra calorie you burn…

10 rules to get lean

The key to creating the lean physique you’ve always wanted is dropping body fat levels while building…

5 steps to a slimmer waist

Creating a thinner waist for a sexy hour-glass figure requires more than merely reducing your body fat.

Fixated on losing fat but can you target fat loss?

Fat targeting, or spot reduction is the idea that you can reduce fat in a specific area…

8 myths that undermine your weight loss

Losing weight and shedding fat is challenging enough without all the myths and misinformation out there complicating the…

20 tips for a better body

A lot of us overcomplicate losing weight when in actual fact if we just consistently practiced these…

Patience, the missing ingredient to your transformation success

Due to the influence of technology and social media, we live in a society where everything is geared towards…

Start training now - Fitness

Don’t wait till Monday. Start lockdown weight loss today, recommends dietician

Many of us have gained weight during the lockdown due to all that comfort and stress eating, lack…

Lockdown weight gain FI

10 strategies to ward off lockdown weight gain

There’s no reason why you cannot maintain your physique throughout the 21-day Covid-19 lockdown. Julia Lamberti explores 10…