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The workout: Boxing Circuit
For a fun, challenging cardio workout in 15 min or less!
Not a ton of time for your workout? No problem! Try my ‘Boxing Circuit Work it’ Workout when you’re pressed for time, can’t make it to the gym or just when you’d like to switch things up and have some fun!
“Boxing” workout…5 rounds of the following:
Directions: Perform each exercise, back to back with no rest for one full round.
Rest up to 30 seconds if needed between rounds, and complete at least 5 rounds.
- 30 seconds of jump rope
- 10 pushups
- 1 min jump rope
- Then grab light weights 1-2 Kgs (3-5 lbs) and perform 30 seconds of “jabs” and then 30 seconds of “upper cuts” with the weightsDrop the weights and repeat this sequence for a total of 5 rounds (you can rest briefly between rounds, up to 30 seconds if you need to).