These are the 2016 USN Face of Fitness finalists

USN Face of Fitness Top6

The top six finalists for this year’s USN Face of Fitness cover model search competition have been chosen!

The top six have made it through three selection rounds. Firstly, they were selected from over 211 top quality entries to form part of the top 32. The public and the judges then had the final say as to who would make it to the top 12 round and the face-to-face interviews with both USN and Fitness mag.
Having successfully navigated each round, the top six will now attend the full-day photo shoot in Johannesburg on 10 November, where the winner will be selected based on the strength of her performance at the shoot, the quality of her photos, her physique, personality and attitude.

Now in its tenth year, this popular cover model search continues to uncover local fitness talent and provides the ideal platform for many ladies to go on and become well-known and respected personalities in the health and fitness industry.

Congratulations to the top six, as well as everyone else who entered. If you didn’t make it to the finals, we hope to see you again in next year’s competition.

The top six USN Face of Fitness finalists for 2016 are: