Week 5 – Workout 1. Jen Jewell’s 8-week Workout

Jen jewell's 8 week workout

Welcome to week 5!

Jen’s changed up your workouts to be more challenging, ensuring that you keep getting the results you want!

What you’ll need: Weights, jump rope and resistance band (for exercise modifications if working with limited equipment)

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Missed any of the weeks? Get them here: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week4

The workout: Lower Body Workout #4

  • Rest briefly (up to 1 minute) between super sets.   Rest for 2 minutes between circuits.
  • Perform the superset exercises back-to-back.
  • Expand the exercise listed below for more tips or move explanations


Warm-up on treadmill: 5 min walking at moderate pace on high incline (10% or more), and then for 5 min perform alternating lateral shuffles, 30 seconds to the left, 30 seconds to the right, repeat until 5 min are complete, then begin your workout.

[highlight]Super Set 1: Perform 4 sets[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Walking lunges for 1 min” state=”close”]Use a timer or count your steps to 60 steps[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Reverse lunge with plyo skip at the top x12 reps/leg” state=”close”]Perform 12 reps per leg, and then switch legs[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Jump rope 30 seconds” state=”close”]Knee-ups or burbees are a good alternative[/toggle]

Perform all the movements back-to-back with no rest. Rest 1 minute between rounds. Rest sufficiently between sets.

[highlight]Super Set 2: Perform 4 sets[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Forward lunges x 12 reps per leg” state=”close”]Select a comfortable, but challenging weight[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Kettlebell swings 15 reps” state=”close”]Hinge at the hips and push back with your glutes while keeping your back straight. Contract your glutes and hamstrings forcefully and allow this to drive your hips forward, extending them in a “pop-like” motion. The momentum from this will “throw” the kettlebell forward, and it is now being guided by your hands and extended arms until shoulder height.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Plie squats up on toes x 15 reps” state=”close”]Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands, holding weight as you would for a goblet squat, get into plie squat position and then maintain the position while up on your toes. Your weight selections might have to be a bit lighter than you would for normal plie squats. Make sure you give the glutes an extra squeeze at the top of the motion.[/toggle]

Perform all the movements back-to-back with no rest. Rest 1 minute between rounds. Rest sufficiently between sets.

[highlight]Super Set 3: 4 Perform sets[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Jump rope 30 seconds” state=”close”]Knee-ups or burbees are a good alternative[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Leg curl (seated or prone) x 10 reps” state=”close”]Note if no machine access, perform prone leg curl on flat bench with a dumbbell between your feet; if no flat bench available, then perform a leg curl using the exercise ball.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Curtsy lunge to squat combo x 12 reps per side” state=”close”]Start with your feet together. Perform a curtsy lunge with your right leg, as you stand back up squat out to the right with the right leg, then repeat sequence. Perform all the reps required, then switch sides.[/toggle]

Perform all the movements back-to-back with no rest. Rest 1 minute between rounds. Rest sufficiently between sets.

[highlight]Super Set 4: Perform 4 sets[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Barbell hip thrusters x 15 reps” state=”close”]On bench or ball, whichever you have available. Placing your feet on the stability ball really allows you to engage your glutes, and target that all-important glute/hamstring tie-in.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Box jumps x 15 reps” state=”close”]Or tuck jumps, whichever you prefer[/toggle]

Perform these two moves with no rest between.  When the super set is complete, rest 45 seconds before performing the next set. Once you have completed 4 rounds of this super set, wait 2 minutes before moving to the next station.

cardio with Jen

Fun with fitness

Never compromise your form on these movements, rather lower the weight you’re using to complete the required numbers of repetitions.