Get Jen Jewell’s FREE 8-week workout program!

Jen Jewell's 8 week workout

You can still join! Break through your fitness plateau and get the results you deserve.

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How it works:

  • We’ve already started the 8 week program, but you can still join in and start anywhere and work through the weeks at your own pace. You will receive weekly emails with your workout (and we’ll send you week 1 so you know where to start), recipes and motivational tips for that week.
  • Your workouts will change each week to keep challenging you and ensure you’re getting results for the next 8 weeks!
  • Share your success and connect with Jen on social media using the #ResultsWithJen hashtag.
  • Read more about Jen’s ‘NO EXCUSES, JUST RESULTS’ program here

It’s that easy! Sign up now and get the results you deserve!

Jen Jewell[highlight]“I’ve created this program with all of you in mind.[/highlight]
I know you’re determined, motivated and want to be your most fit and healthy selves, so stop waiting and let’s get to work! My ‘NO EXCUSES, JUST RESULTS’ program doesn’t require you to be a slave to the gym. You can do them anywhere and quite frankly, they’re a lot of fun.

These workouts are effective, efficient, and one of my favourite things about them is that you don’t need a fancy gym to get the job done. A few basic pieces of equipment, some open space to complete each workout, follow the plan, and just like that – get results!

Fat loss, increased muscle definition, increased strength, energy, endurance, stress relief and more are just a sample of the results you’ll achieve with this plan.”

Sign up and receive your weekly workout personally designed by Jen Jewell.


Workout by Jen Jewell, Photography by Dave Laus